Agent App Store: Seamless connection to dApps

Discover and seamlessly connect to a wide range of dApps with The Agent App Store - Aggregation meets integration.

Agent offers a one-stop platform for Web3 users to discover a wide range of dApps and seamlessly start interacting with them to earn points (and locked tokens). Users on Agent simply create accounts and sub-accounts, and in one click connect to dApps. This also means users have a full and transparent overview of where and how their assets are allocated across dApps.

All of this happens within one singular interface, built with Web3 usersโ€™ experience in mind. It provides a near-zero threshold for users to start earning points - even with low experience in the field.

Projects also benefit: being listed on the App Marketplace increases visibility and conversion/adoption in the form of TVL and connected accounts.

Agentโ€™s multi-earning acts as a catalyst: users can easily earn points from multiple protocols seamlessly at once, and on top earn additional Agent points for doing so. This benefits users in terms of return on investment, and benefits projects listed on Agent in terms of attractiveness to their base.

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