Account setup with maximum flexibility

Currently, users can have many wallets with each wallet connecting to many dApps/protocols. The main issue is that managing that many wallets (up to the thousands) is often done manually in a spreadsheet. There is also the issue of having to click out of/reconnecting the wallets in the process.

This means that managing multiple accounts with ‘many to many’ relationships lacks overview, is time consuming and a manual process prone to human error~~.~~

There is currently no integrated or user friendly solution to address these challenges. At its most basic level: users have near zero flexibility in the account setup.

Contrary to managing a long list of accounts, users might have all their accrued points from across multiple dApps in only one main account, which in turn lacks diversification of assets and poses legitimate risk (“all eggs in one basket”) in case the singular account is compromised.

In the case where points from multiple protocols are all accrued in one main account, those points cannot be ‘separated’ into different accounts until TGE (token generation event). This effectively poses an opportunity cost.

Last updated